Flowers of the Desert Poster
Flowers of the Desert poster. Includes tones of dark green, medium green, yellow, coral, lavender, periwinkle, olive green, pink, dark blue, and off-white on a light blue background. 16"x20" Numbered and initialed on the bottom. Digitally printed on matte 80lb stock
Flowers featured: Jewel flower, Sweetbush, Bladderpod, Spreading Fleabane, Apache Plume, Blue Vervain, Cream Cups, Matilija Poppy, Anemone, Desert Sunflower, Mojave Aster, Prickly pear, Yucca, Dandelion, Devil's Claw, Desert lily, Sand verbena, New Mexico Thistle, Desert Marigold, Dune Evening Primrose, Desert Star, Mariposa Lily, Desert Lupine, California Poppy, Golden Suncup, Sand blazing star, Teddy bear cholla, and Juniper.
Designed By Leah Duncan, based in Austin, TX. Printed in the USA
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